Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Setup (Creative Writing)

Remembering back two months ago, I ran into this redhead. She was a fireball, called herself Ginger, but for some silly reason wouldn’t let me call her that. I ended up calling her many things before I ended up here. I always had a weakness for those jade green eyes, and that fair complexion. She had freckles, I didn’t know you could have a fetish for freckles, but man I could not stop looking at her, easy on the eyes, I used to say. Well it all seemed inert; she just wanted to sell my house. The problem was I didn’t own one.

Ok, so here I am, on a tropical island resort in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with nada, nothing, absolutely zero. This must be the beginning but how did I get here? Two months before there was this dame. It was always a dame, but this one was different. Right, how many times have I said that?

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